The Novel 100 Plus

This is the list from the book The Novel 100:  A Ranking of the Greatest Novels of All Time by Daniel S. Burt:

Blue = Read (116)

  1. Don Quixote
  2. War and Peace
  3. Ulysses
  4.  In Search of Lost Time
  5. The Brothers Karamazov
  6. Moby-Dick
  7. Madame Bovary
  8. Middlemarch
  9. The Magic Mountain
  10. The Tale of Genji
  11. Emma
  12. Bleak House
  13. Anna Karenina
  14. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  15. Tom Jones
  16. Great Expectations
  17. Absalom, Absalom!
  18. The Ambassadors
  19. One Hundred Years of Solitude
  20. The Great Gatsby
  21. To the Lighthouse
  22. Crime and Punishment
  23. The Sound and the Fury
  24. Vanity Fair
  25. Dead Souls
  26. Le Père Goriot
  27. The Portrait of a Lady
  28. Women in Love
  29. The Red and the Black
  30. Tristram Shandy
  31. Finnegans Wake
  32. Tess of the D’Urbervilles
  33. Buddenbrooks
  34. Invisible Man
  35. The Man Without Qualities
  36. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  37. Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable
  38. The Tin Drum
  39. Wuthering Heights
  40. Pride and Prejudice
  41. The Scarlet Letter
  42. Gravity’s Rainbow
  43. Beloved
  44. Nostromo
  45. Fathers and Sons
  46. The Trial
  47. Lolita
  48. Mrs Dalloway
  49. Dream of the Red Chamber
  50. Clarissa
  51. Persuasion
  52. Jane Eyre
  53. David Copperfield
  54. Petersburg
  55. Things Fall Apart
  56. The Princess of Cleves
  57. The Stranger
  58. The Red Badge of Courage
  59. The Counterfeiters
  60. The Grapes of Wrath
  61. The Golden Notebook
  62. Sons and Lovers
  63. The Good Soldier
  64. A Passage to India
  65. Daniel Deronda
  66. Germinal
  67. My Ántonia
  68. An American Tragedy
  69. Hunger
  70. Berlin Alexanderplatz
  71. Midnight’s Children
  72. U.S.A. Trilogy
  73. Les Liaisons Dangereuses
  74. The Charterhouse of Parma
  75. The Sorrows of Young Werther
  76. Cities of Salt
  77. A Farewell to Arms
  78. The Death of Artemio Cruz
  79. Herzog
  80. Candide
  81. The Sleepwalkers
  82. The Last Chronicle of Barset
  83.  The Awakening
  84. Robinson Crusoe
  85. Call It Sleep
  86. Waverley
  87. Oblomov
  88. Their Eyes Were Watching God
  89. Under the Volcano
  90. Snow Country
  91. Nineteen Eighty-Four
  92. As I Lay Dying
  93. The Pickwick Papers
  94. The Betrothed
  95. Pale Fire
  96. The Last of the Mohicans
  97. Les Misérables
  98. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
  99. Doctor Zhivago
  100. Native Son
  101. On the Road
  102. Frankenstein
  103. The Leopard
  104. The Age of Innocence
  105. Dom Casmurro
  106. A Hero of Our Time
  107. The Catcher in the Rye
  108. Moll Flanders
  109. The Good Soldier Švejk
  110. The Master and Margarita
  111. Brideshead Revisited
  112. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
  113. American Pastoral
  114. The Handmaid’s Tale
  115. Manon Lescaut
  116. The Woman in White
  117. Some Prefer Nettles
  118. A Bend in the River
  119. Cold Nights
  120. Dracula
  121. The Woman in the Dunes
  122. Gone with the Wind
  123. The Three Musketeers
  124. The Hound of the Baskervilles
  125. Treasure Island

(I don’t know why a top 100 list has 125 entires.)

What are your thoughts on this?