Banned Books & Such

Here’s a confession: I’m pretty sure I have never been restricted in my reading including those evil banned books. But that’s not the point. If anyone assumes that they are uniquely qualified to judge the appropriateness of reading materials, they are fools and charlatans, more often concerned with the political benefits of banning books than with any concern for the actual reader.

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Hurricanes, Below Deck, and Reading

It was aimed right for us and we were assured that at best we would be without power for several days and at worst a big tree would come crashing down through the roof. How long could I last without air conditioning and power for my oxygen machines? Did I hear ten minutes? So I was moved into a handicapped hotel room served by a large generator.

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Color My World

Growing up, my family’s idea of a vacation was to drive all day, see the local sites, find a cheap motel, repeat. Understandably, Burma Shave was a rare treat so the kids in the back seat filled in with observational games. This was when finding out-of-state license plates was a classic (first time we went to Reno it blew my mind) or the uneven alphabet game where the letter “Q” provided hours of disappointment long before the Game Boy.

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